It feels like a long shot, but I'm hoping to connect with someone who knows "Turf Buster" (sire: Perrault, dam: My Mane Squeeze). Born in Lexington, KY. My understanding of his history is that he raced for a couple of years and then was retrained in dressage and fox hunting. At some point he suffered a shattered kneecap, which was treated but resulted in limited range of motion in the knee (nothing less than 90 degree bend). I had him from about 2004 to 2007 as a teenager.
He was a cribber, had a bad habit of kicking his stall doors down if he was cooped up too long, and it was hard to keep weight on him if he wasn't out on grass (hay wasn't good enough). He hated being tied up. With all of those quirks, he was also an amazing horse to go trail riding with because he just never hesitated, he loaded great in a trailer, got along with most horses, was very bright-eyed and spunky, enjoyed following me around, seemed genuinely pleased to see me when I'd bring him in from the field. Could ride in western or English saddles, or bareback. Rarely spooked. Knew how to do flying lead changes and side passes. Barn owners didn't always admire him, but I sure did!!
I think about him all the time and wonder what the heck he's up to, if he's happy to be out getting fat on hundreds of acres of grass, if anyone brings him peppermints, how many more stall doors he's kicked down, if he's been going out on trail rides, teaching students or what. Or if the poor boy is already dead and gone.

So I'm hoping to trace someone who has crossed paths with him relatively recently. I'd love to see pics. And I'd also be super interested in hearing from anyone who knew him at any point in the past.
As if his personality didn't make him memorable enough, he also had a very distinct arrow head star/stripe marking. I named him Moe, but previously he'd been called Timone. I don't know when he got that name though. Maybe he'd been known by something else.

(photo hosted on new TE gallery)

(photo hosted on new TE gallery)