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The Horse's Foot

Posted: 19 Nov 2011, 2:27 pm
by TracingEquines
The Horse's Foot

The frog - helps with circulation, concussion, also gives grip.

White line - separates the sensitive and insensitive laminae.

Care Of The Horse's Foot

* Picking out 2 times a day at least
* Giving daily inspection
* Regular shoeing
* Grass kept horses should have a dry place to stand


Broken Or Brittle Feet

Caused by dry weather, feet not been trimmed.

Bruised Sole

Balance of the horse's foot may be __ (apologies text missing). Bruising mainly happens to flat footed horses. Caused by long toes, collapsed heels. This causes strain and stress on tendons and ligaments.


Corns are bruises which are on the sole of the foot. This happens on the angle between the wall and bars. This is caused by pressure been put on the seat of corn. The foot trimmed badly.

Grass Crack

Run from the toe upwards. Causes same as sand cracks.

TREATMENT - regular shoeing or trimming.


Progression of Thrush, nothing will be left of the frog, it will be a black mess. Caused by very unclean stables.

TREATMENT - Washing the foot then put antibiotic onto the frog. Also use stockholm tar.


Decrease of blood supply to sensitive laminae. This leads to sensitive tendons __ (apologies text missing) to the frog will not help if your horse has laminitis.

Nail Binding

This is also known as Pricked Foot

This is caused by the farrier driving a nail too close to or actually into the sensitive laminae of the foot. The horse will go lame for no obvious reason. A clue might be that he has recently been shod.

The treatment is to consult your farrier or vet.

When the nail is removed the horse will go sound, unless an infection has set in. If an infection has set in then treat it as a puncture wound.

A puncture wound in the foot requires your farrier or vet. They will pare away the sole around the wound to allow the dark grey pus to escape.

Pus In The Foot

Causes - puncture wound, a sequel to a crack in the white line

Symptoms - the foot feels warm, pain on the sole of the foot

Treatment - relieve pressure by draining the pus away

Sand Cracks

Run down from the coronet band to the toe. These cracks appear in any place.


Caused by an infection in the under side of the foot. This is caused by wet, unclean bedding. The frog is the part which gets the infection. The frog becomes soft and it also smells.