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Respiration & The Skeleton

Posted: 18 Nov 2011, 10:36 pm
by TracingEquines

Nostrils lead to the nasal passage. They can expand when there is a demand for oxygen

Nasal Passages are separated by a hard palette. Here the air is warmed

Phrinx leads on from the nasal passages and passes air to the lungs

Larinx is also known as the voicebox. It controls the passage of air into the trachea. The epiglottis closes over the open larinx to stop food and water going into the lungs

Trachea is the windpipe leading from the larinx to the lungs

Bronchi are what the trachea leads to. There are two of them and these both branch into the lungs

Bronchioles are a sub-division of the bronchi and end in the aveoli sacs

Aveoli is where air reaches, already warmed and moistured where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place

Air is expelled back along and the process starts again

The Skeleton

The Axial Skeleton

This consists of ... These protect the ...
Skull Brain
Neck ---
Sternum Kidneys, Diaphragm, Stomach
Ribs Lungs, Heart
Back Pelvic girdle (guts and reproductive organs)

The Appendicular Skeleton

This is for support and locomotion (movement). It consists of the legs / limbs.