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Lungeing For Exercise & Lungeing Lesson

Posted: 18 Nov 2011, 10:04 pm
by TracingEquines
Lungeing For Exercise

Equipment for the horse and why

Brushing boots - the inside hind leg crosses over further. If only two boots are used, these are placed on the hind legs
Lunge cavesson - gives more control over horse
Bridle - with no noseband
Side reins - enables horse to flex down and to engage his hindquarters properly
Saddle or roller - to attach side reins onto

Equipment for person and why

Lunge line - controls horse's speed and size of circle
Lunge whip - keeps horse out and moving forwards
For Safety - hard hat, gloves, sensible footwear and clothing


Back injury
Girth Galls
Test of obedience/suppleness
30mins lungeing = 1 hour riding
Breaking in - voice aids
Encourage bend
Before riding
Part of a fitness program
Not enough riding or hacking time
A new horse
Test of stamina
Part of vetting procedure

Lungeing Lesson

Equipment for the horse and why

Brushing boots - inside hind crosses over further
Over-Reach boots - prevent an over-reach injury
Cavesson - gives more control over horse
Side Reins - enables horse to flex down, gives more control
Saddle - rider sits on it, side reins attached to it
Bridle - rider holds reins, control, rider security


Suitable clothing


(same as rider)
Whip - Leg aid for instructor, keeps horse out and moving forwards
Lunge Line - Rein for instructor (speed, circle)


Develops rider's seat, balance, position, confidence
Maintains relationship between horse, rider, instructor