She is a 7 year old Grey Reg Section A Welsh Mountain Pony with three white socks offside foreleg is plain. She has a distinctive pink left nostril.
She was owned by my brother who died in Febriary of this year. She was sold on to a dealer following his death which I am sure he would not have wanted. The dealers name was Julian Bevan who is from Ebbw Vale. I have traced him and spoken to him about Annie and my need to ensure her wellbeing and possibly buy her back for sentimental reasons,he refused to tell me where she is. She could possibly have a foal at foot but not definate.
To be honest, Julian wouldn't give me any info except I quote "She has been sold to a riding school in London and the owner wants nothing to do with you" ?????? I then offered mega money to buy her back and he replied and I quote " Your money is no good with these people because they are millionaires"
I smell very large rats and am very worried about Annie, I am assuming that she was sold with her green passport her registered name Dewisant Anwen.
Very worried something bad has happened to her which would be why he wouldn't give me any info.
Please keep an eye out for me she could well be in a field or stable near you.
I have contacted the WPCS and she is still registered in my brothers name.
Thankyou Julie

(photo hosted on new TE gallery)

(She has faded in colour since this pic was taken - photo hosted on new TE gallery)

(This is me Annie and my niece trying our hand at showing a few years ago - photo hosted on new TE gallery)
Equine Details - Dewisant Anwen
Date of Birth 31-May-2004
Gender Female
Colour Roan (grey/roan)
Sire Name Verdrefawr Ianto
Dam Name Verdrefawr Agnes
Breed Welsh Mare
Submitted by Welsh Pony & Cob Society
Studbook/Section Section A
Birth Country United Kingdom