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Parking the Horsebox, what a nightmare

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Parking the Horsebox, what a nightmare

Post by TracingEquines »

Back in Nov/Dec 2020, we bought a 7.5 ton horsebox, beautiful although needs some minor touch ups. Sleeps 4 humans, fully fitted, stalled for 3 horses. Love it !!

Cue a bit of jealously from the locals as we use it for cash n carry for the shop once a week (saves wear on the car!) and we've been away in it once with the dogs and planning on going away again in August time.

We've had the police round a couple of times asking us to move her, the first time was blocking view for other drivers (kinda fair enough) although they did say that she was taxed, mot-d, insuranced, all fully legal and actually we didn't "have" to move her but it would be great if we would. So we did.
Second time they came round, even they said it was petty as they had complaint that couldn't get double pushchair past on the pavement. All we had to do was move her back end a foot off the pavement and they were happy.

Now it's a battle with the local county council.
We got a letter yesterday giving us 7 days to move the lorry as it had been "deposited" on the road and was obviously dumped.
Cue a phone call straight away to the lady named on the letter and a request for a phone call back urgently ... still waiting for that !!

Today's visit was just ridiculous.
I was walking home, saw the bloke pull up in his car and start ticketing the lorry.
--- I offered to move the lorry and wasn't given the option.
--- I asked why we were getting a ticket and was told that "commercial vehicles" are not allowed to be parked in the city over the weekend and that there are signs on entry into the city saying this.
--- when trying to explain that the lorry was not a "commercial vehicle", he said yes it obviously was as it's a horsebox used to transport horses
--- the ticket says they are meant to observe the vehicle for 20 mins before giving a ticket, the observe start and end time are exactly the same.

If I think of anything else, I'll post back
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