I bought Rooney on 9th August 2008 from a lady called Stephanie Garrett in Guildford, Surrey. He is extremely cheeky and will lick you to death given the chance! But also he is a determined pony that a beginner would struggle with, however once he respects you then he will do almost anything for you.
Due to ill health I sent him to a friend in Oswestry (shropshire) to keep him going for me in 2013 and unfortunately then sold him in 2014 to a local man called John. I honestly thought that he was going to keep him long term but it turned out that he sold him on after 6 months to somebody in the Wirral (merseyside).
When I bought Rooney I contacted the previous owners and learnt an awful lot about his past, there is speculation that he is a few years younger than says on his passport which would explain the coltish behaviour with previous owners and all the licking.
If anybody knows of the whereabouts of Roo please would they email me on tina@tstephenson.fsnet.co.uk
I just want to know he is happy and well.

(photo hosted on new TE gallery)